Setting the frame
A new methodology for the study of transnational popular culture
Setting the frame
A new methodology for the study of transnational popular culture
This work package aims to give a substantial contribution to the comprehension of the factors that affect the representation and dissemination of European identity in contemporary European popular culture, and to provide a sound methodological framework to the study of European popular culture – consisting in specific protocols for the combination of human and machine analysis and the transfer of knowledge in a transnational connective environment.
WP2 has the following goals:
To define the methodology and to elaborate the protocols for DETECt research and educational activities;
To provide all researchers with a shared semantic framework, through the elaboration of a domain-specific ontology to be used to represent the transcultural content of European identity;
To design the conceptual architecture of DETECt portal for research and formal and informal education;
To select and collect an adequate research corpus to efficiently study the factors affecting the representation of European identity in a popular narrative genre of contemporary cultural production.
To define the methodology and to elaborate the protocols for DETECt research and educational activities;
To provide all researchers with a shared semantic framework, through the elaboration of a domain-specific ontology to be used to represent the transcultural content of European identity;
To design the conceptual architecture of DETECt portal for research and formal and informal education;
To select and collect an adequate research corpus to efficiently study the factors affecting the representation of European identity in a popular narrative genre of contemporary cultural production.
TASK 2.1
Tracking down changing identities in transnational European crime narratives.
TASK 2.2
Collecting and curating data for research in European popular culture.
TASK 2.3
Teaching and learning European cultural identity in a connective environment.
TASK 2.4
Creating a transnational learning community to innovate the study of European identity.
Lead beneficiary:
KU Leuven
Months 1-26