The University of Bucharest was founded as a distinct legal entity in 1864, which makes it one of the oldest public institutions of higher education in Romania. Following the last domestic procedures of evaluation, it is the first the first university for advanced research and education in the country. The weight of the UB in the national and European research system is suggested by the fact that 50 institutes, departments, centres of excellence, and 5 research platforms that activate under its aegis. On the educational side, UB offers numerous study programs form Bachelor to doctoral and post-doctoral level, including lifelong learning.
The research entity directly involved in the DETECt project is the Centre of Excellence for the Study of Image – CESI, which offers postgraduate and doctoral study programs and hosts research programs mainly in the field of cultural studies, i.e. of visual culture and its connections with literary culture.
The University of Bucharest was founded as a distinct legal entity in 1864, which makes it one of the oldest public institutions of higher education in Romania. Following the last domestic procedures of evaluation, it is the first the first university for advanced research and education in the country. The weight of the UB in the national and European research system is suggested by the fact that 50 institutes, departments, centres of excellence, and 5 research platforms that activate under its aegis. On the educational side, UB offers numerous study programs form Bachelor to doctoral and post-doctoral level, including lifelong learning.
The research entity directly involved in the DETECt project is the Centre of Excellence for the Study of Image – CESI, which offers postgraduate and doctoral study programs and hosts research programs mainly in the field of cultural studies, i.e. of visual culture and its connections with literary culture.

Caius Dobrescu
Caius Dobrescu is Professor at the University of Bucharest (Theory of Literature, Cultural History, Cultural Studies). He wrote on literature and politics in the Communist and post-Communist epoch and on the interaction between the conflicting understandings of the notion of “bourgeois culture” and the evolutions of the literary modernity, in a global comparative perspective. As a Fulbright scholar affiliated with the Committee on Social Thought of the University of Chicago he conducted research on terrorism and literary radicalism.He also authored several novels, among which a couple of murder mysteries.

Roxana Eichel
Roxana Eichel is assistant professor, PhD, at the University of Bucharest, Department of Literary Studies. Her academic interests are literary theory, migration studies, gender studies, and more recently, crime fiction. Her book Critica regăsirii. Matei Călinescu, Virgil Nemoianu, Toma Pavel – dialogul contextelor românești și nord-americane (Humanitas, 2020, e-book), based on her PhD thesis, deals with the topics of exile, migration and literary theory in relation to East European and North American contexts. She was also a research assistant for the project MARIS (Migration and Reshaping Identities in Romanian Travel Writings), conducted by the University of Bucharest. Recent publications of note: “Genre Transgression in Contemporary Romanian Crime Fiction”, in Acta Universitatis Sapientiae, Philologica, 11: 1, 2019.

Ionita Filuta
Ionita Filuta – International Projects Officer, University of Bucharest. is financial administrator at University of Bucharest. She studied political science and obtained a master’s degree in the field of Romanian politics. During the last three years she attended several training courses related to project management and financial aspects of Horizon2020 Programme .At present she manages projects funded through the EEA Financial Mechanism in Romania, various European grants and community programmes (FP7, Horizon2020, Justice Programme) as well as national funded projects (PN III).