Detecting Europe in Contemporary Crime Narratives: Print Fiction, Film, and Television

Detecting Europe in Contemporary Crime Narratives: Print Fiction, Film, and Television
Detecting Europe in Contemporary Crime Narratives:
Print Fiction, Film, and Television
Online International Conference
21-23 June 2021
Link Campus University
Keynote Speakers
Theo D’haen (Leuven University and Leiden University)
Janet McCabe (Birkbeck, University of London)
Peppino Ortoleva (University of Turin)
Conference Chairs: Monica Dall’Asta (University of Bologna), Federico Pagello (D’Annunzio University of Chieti-Pescara), Valentina Re (Link Campus University)
Advisory Board: Stefano Arduini (Link Campus University), Maurizio Ascari (University of Bologna), Jan Baetens (KU Leuven), Luca Barra (University of Bologna), Stefano Baschiera (Queen’s University Belfast), Giulia Carluccio (University of Turin), Silvana Colella (University of Macerata), Caius Dobrescu (University of Bucharest), Andrea Esser (University of Roehampton), Nicola Ferrigni (Link Campus University), Katarina Gregersdotter (Umeå University), Kim Toft Hansen (Aalborg University), Annette Hill (University of Lund), Dominique Jeannerod (Queen’s University Belfast), Sandor Kalai (University of Debrecen), Matthieu Letourneux (University Paris Nanterre), Natacha Levet (University of Limoges), Giacomo Manzoli (University of Bologna), Janet McCabe (Birkbeck University), Jacques Migozzi (University of Limoges), Andrew Pepper (Queen’s University Belfast), Marica Spalletta (Link Campus University)
Organizing Committee: Luca Antoniazzi (University of Bologna), Sara Casoli (University of Bologna), Massimiliano Coviello (Link Campus University), Paola De Rosa (Link Campus University)
Students Staff: Eleonora Mercuri, Nicola Pimpinella, Lavinia Sansone (Link Campus University, undergraduate degree programme in Film and Theatre Making)
The conference is also supported by CUC – Consulta Universitaria del Cinema and by PIC-AIS – Associazione Italiana di Sociologia, Sezione Processi e Istituzioni Culturali (Italy).
Conference overview
Monday 21 June 2021
Monday 21 June 2021 |
Room A 10:00-10:45am CET |
Plenary Session Welcome address and project presentation |
Room A 10:45am-12:15pm CET |
Plenary session Keynote speech Theo D’haen, KU Leuven How Glocal are Contemporary European Crime Narratives? |
Parallel session 1 2.30-4:00pm CET |
Room A |
Room B |
Room C |
Panel A1: New Takes on Mediterranean Noir |
Panel B1: New Takes on Nordic Noir |
Panel C1: A Tale of Three Cities: Crime and the Urban Tissue in Contemporary Fiction |
Break |
Parallel session 2 4:15-5:45pm CET |
Room A |
Room B |
Room C |
Panel A2: French Noir and the Transformations of European Crime Fiction |
Panel B2: Crime Films and National Identities. The Case of Greece |
Panel C2: The Black Rome. The Eternal City as Protagonist of Crime Narrative |
Tuesday 22 June 2021
Parallel session 3 9:00-10:30am CET |
Room A |
Room B |
Room C |
Panel A3: Crime Narratives: A Crossborder Perspective |
Panel B3: Crime Narratives, Periphery and Multiculturalism |
Panel C3: The Geography of Crime Fiction: Local / Global |
Break |
Parallel session 4 10:45am-12:15pm CET |
Room A |
Room B |
Room C |
Panel A4: Crime Narratives: a Transmedia Perspective |
Panel B4: New Takes on the Police Procedural |
Panel C4: Crime Narratives and Ecocriticism |
Parallel session 5 2:00-3:30pm CET |
Room A |
Room B |
Room C |
Panel A5: Crime Narratives and Politics |
Panel B5: Crime Narratives and Gender |
Panel C5: Netflix and the Popularity of TV Crime Drama |
Break |
Room A 3:45-5:00pm CET |
Plenary session 3 Keynote speech Janet McCabe, Birkbeck, University of London Divided Bodies, Crossings Borders, Transnational Encounters: Towards a Feminist Approach of Transnational TV Studies |
Parallel session 6 5:00-6:30pm CET |
Room A |
Room B |
Room C |
Panel A6: Crime Films and Transnationalism |
Panel B6: The Other in TV Crime Dramas |
Panel C6: Generic and Narrative Hybridity in European Crime Television |
Wednesday 23 June 2021
Parallel session 7 9:00-10:30am CET |
Room A |
Room B |
Room C |
Panel A7: The Foreigner in Crime Fiction |
Panel B7: The Geography of TV Crime Dramas: Local / Global
Panel C7: The Contribution of Digital Humanities to Cultural Studies Research Roundtable: The Challenges of Digital Humanities to Cultural Studies Research, a Face-to-Face Debate |
Break |
Room A 10:45am-12:15pm CET |
Plenary session 4 Crime, Creative Industries and Contemporary European Media Policies
Room A 2:30-3:45pm CET |
Plenary session 5 Keynote speech Peppino Ortoleva, University of Turin In the Beginning Was a Murder. The Changing Meanings, and Pleasures, of Crime |
Break |
Room A 4:00-5:30pm CET |
Plenary session 6 Concluding round table Research Impact in the Humanities: New Directions
Room A 5:30-7:0pm CET |
Plenary session 7 DETECt Screenwriting Contest Award Ceremony |