European Transmedia Series
Number of Transmedia Series by Original Medium and Country of Origin
This map visualises a corpus of transmedia fictional worlds which have circulated across the continent through different forms. In particular, each of these narratives were born as a series in a medium – most frequently, fiction – and later migrated, maintaining a serial form into film or – more often – on television.
The number of the British titles in this list is remarkable, but other countries – such as France, Italy, Denmark and Sweden – make themselves quite visible both in terms of percentages and number of titles.
Number of Transmedia Series by Original Medium

Number of Transmedia Series by Original Medium and Country of Origin

This dashboard serves as a catalogue to explore European movies filtered under the “crime” genre. Data belongs to IMDb and has been manually enriched: https://datasets.imdbws.com/. #DETECt #crimefiction
European Transmedia Series
Number of Transmedia Series by Original Medium and Country of Origin

This map visualises a corpus of transmedia fictional worlds which have circulated across the continent through different forms. In particular, each of these narratives were born as a series in a medium – most frequently, fiction – and later migrated, maintaining a serial form into film or – more often – on television.
The number of the British titles in this list is remarkable, but other countries – such as France, Italy, Denmark and Sweden – make themselves quite visible both in terms of percentages and number of titles.
Number of Transmedia Series by Original Medium

Number of Transmedia Series by Original Medium and Country of Origin

This dashboard serves as a catalogue to explore European movies filtered under the “crime” genre. Data belongs to IMDb and has been manually enriched: https://datasets.imdbws.com/. #DETECt #crimefiction