Conference presentations

Conference presentations
Academic outputs
Academic outputs
To be modified.
To be modified.
Workshop - Histoire culturelle du XIXe siècle (September-December 2021, Centre D’Histoire Culturelle Des SociÉTÉS Contemporaines - Chcsc Université De Versailles Saint-Quentin-En-Yvelines, Versailles)
Loïc Artiaga (Université de Limoges, EHIC) : « L’histoire culturelle et la tentation numérique ».
Workshop - Crime Writing: Between Literature, Cinema and TV (October-November 2021, Link Campus University, Rome)
Four meetings with four professionals and teachers, to explore the universe of the most popular genre of the moment in its various forms, from novels to films and TV series. Organaized by Valentina Re, Stefano Arduini and Massimiliano Coviello.
Conference - Autour du centenaire de Frédéric Dard (9 October 2021, Bibliothèque des littératures policières, Paris)
International Conference - Crimes fictionnels, crimes factuels Fictions criminelles européennes et discours médiatiques du crime (7-8 October 2021, Université Paris Nanterre, Paris)
- Jacques MIGOZZI (Université de Limoges) : Le FabLab du noir :un « nouvel âge de l’enquête » dans le polar français.
- Alice JACQUELIN (Université de Limoges) : Enquête du magazine Society sur l’affaire Xavier Dupont de Ligonnes : feuilleton de l’été 2020.
- Lucie AMIR (Université de Limoges) : Le polar français contemporain
et la « critique médiatique des médias ». - Markus SCHLEICH (Queen’s University Belfast) et Stefano BASCHIERA (Queen’s University Belfast) : The Real Deal – The Distribution of European True Crime Film.
- Federico PAGELLO (Université de Bologne) : The docu-series as crime serial : the case of SanPa (Netflix 2020).
- Christos DERMENTZOPOULOS, Lampros FLITOURIS (University of Ioannina) : Quand la réalité et la fiction s’entremêlent : les faits divers et le cinéma grec.
- Sara CASOLI (University of Bologna) et Silvia BARONI (University of Bologna) : The meta-narrative lives of Carlo Lucarelli. Blurring fiction and factual in Italian crime.
- Dominique JEANNEROD (Queen’s University Belfast) : Patriarches et Saints Innocents : le roman noir de l’affaire Sauvage.
Literary Hotels: International Symposium (9-10 September 2021, Impact Hub Athens, Athens)
Panel: Crime à la Moderne: Memory, Perception, and Mobility in Hotel Crime Narratives
Chair: Nikos Filippaios, Univ. of Ioannina
- Caius Dobrescu – Online, University of Bucharest: The Hotel at the Edge of The Abyss: Modernities, Mobilities, and Mysteries in R. G. Waldeck’s Athene Palace (1942).
- Sudipto Sanyal – Online, Techno India University: Grand Guignol Hotels and the Supermodernity of Noir.
- Somnath Basu – Online, Ramananda College: Innconveniences: Hotels and Crime in the Works of Agatha Christie.
- Nikos Filippaios – Online, University of Ioannina: “The Most Original Hotel of the World”: Memory, Crime and Tourism in Giannis Maris’ The Hands of Aphrodite (1963).
Conference - Lo stato e il futuro della ricerca: aree, direzioni, metodologie (13-15 September 2021, Roma Tre University, Rome)
Valentina Re, Monica Dall’Asta, Federico Pagello, Presentation of the project’s impact and main findings during the general assembly of CUC – Consulta Universitaria del Cinema (Italian Association of Film and Media Studies Scholars).
Detecting Europe in Contemporary Crime Narratives: Print Fiction, Film, and Television Online International Conference (21-23 June 2021 Link Campus University, Rome)
PANEL A1: New Takes on Mediterranean Noir
- Barbara Pezzotti, Monash University: Mediterranean Identity in European Crime Fiction.
- Andrew Pepper, Queen’s University Belfast: The Problem of Mediterranean Noir.
- Chair: Sara Casoli, University of Bologna
PANEL C1: A Tale of Three Cities: Crime and the Urban Tissue in Contemporary Fiction
- Maurizio Ascari, University of Bologna: John Rebus’s Edinburgh: Portrait of a Dark City in Dark Times.
- Donata Meneghelli, University of Bologna: Fred Vargas’ Myth of Paris: Between (Trans)national Changing Identity, Tourism, and Nostalgia.
- Silvia Baroni, University of Bologna: “Shadows under the Porticoes”: Bologna, the Criminal.
- Chair: Sara Casoli, University of Bologna
PANEL A2: French Noir and the Transformations of European Crime Fiction
- Jacques Migozzi, University of Limoges: Real events and fictitious explanations: a new age of investigation in French Noir?
- Alice Jacquelin, University of Limoges: Noir Novel’s Failure to Undermine Official History: Didier Daeninckx, “Le roman noir de l’Histoire” (2019).
- Loïc Artiaga, University of Limoges: Desiring Future. Shaping Tomorrow in Eurospy’s Fiction.
- Chair: Matthieu Letourneux, Paris Nanterre University
PANEL C2: The Black Rome. The Eternal City as Protagonist of Crime Narrative
- Marica Spalletta and Paola De Rosa, Link Campus University: Rome in Crime. Media Coverage and Audience’s Perception of “Romanism” in Crime TV series.
PANEL B3: Crime Narratives, Periphery and Multiculturalism
- Lucie Amir, University of Limoges: Crime Fiction Characters Faced with Migration Crisis: Representations of Political Action in Contemporary French Crime Fiction.
- Chair: Stefano Baschiera, Queen’s University Belfast.
PANEL C3: The Geography of Crime Fiction: Local / Global
- Sándor Kálai, University of Debrecen: Eastern Europe in Scandinavian Crime Fiction.
- Chair: Caius Dobrescu, University of Bucharest.
PANEL A4: Crime Narratives: A Transmedia Perspective
- Massimiliano Coviello, Link Campus University: Mediating Memories in Contemporary European Crime Narratives: The Case of “Babylon Berlin”.
- Federico Pagello, D’Annunzio University of Chieti-Pescara, and Sara Casoli, University of Bologna: Towards Euro-Noir? Conceptualizing the Noirisation of Contemporary European TV Series.
- Chair: Markus Schleich, Queen’s University Belfast.
PANEL B4: New Takes on the Police Procedural
- Anna Keszeg, Babeș–Bolyai University: Domestic Patterns of European Crime in Chamber Play Series.
- Lynge Stegger Gemzøe, Aalborg University: The Kim Wall Murder Serialized: Ethics & Aesthetics in High-Profile True Crime.
- Chair: Kim Toft Hansen, Aalborg University.
PANEL C4: Crime Narratives and Ecocriticism
- Frederique Toudoire, University of Limoges: Arctic Noir: a Political or an Ecological Paradigm for Europe?
- Chair: Alice Jacquelin, University of Limoges.
Panel A5: Crime Narratives and Politics
- Nikos Filippaios, Christos Dermentzopoulos and Lampros Flitouris, University of Ioannina: DETECTing the Evil: the Extreme Right in Modern European Crime Fiction.
- Chair: Marica Spalletta, Link Campus University.
PANEL C5: Netflix and the Popularity of TV Crime Drama
- Cathrin Helen Bengesser, Pia Majbritt Jensen, Aarhus University, and Paola De Rosa, Marica Spalletta, Link Campus University: Audiences’ Perceptions of Place, Society and (TV) Culture in Popular European Audiovisual Crime Narratives.
- Chair: Federico Pagello, D’Annunzio University of Chieti-Pescara.
PANEL B6: The Other in TV Crime Dramas
- Péter Mészáros, University of Debrecen: Representations of Foreign Countries in Hungarian Television Crime Series After the Regime Change.
- Caius Dobrescu, Roxana Eichel, University of Bucharest: From Blaxploitation to “Eastploitation”: The West-East European Contest of Constructing and Deconstructing Subalternity.
- Chair: Catherine Bengesser, Aarhus University.
PANEL B7: The Geography of Crime Narratives: Local / Global
- Dominique Jeannerod, Queen’s University Belfast: Trans-textual Peaks: Mountain Locations and Identities in European Crime Narratives.
- Jan Baetens, KU Leuven: Crime Fiction in Belgium: Comics versus Graphic Novels.
- Chair: Valentina Re, Link Campus University.
PANEL C7: The Contribution of Digital Humanities to Cultural Studies Research
- llaria Bartolini and Andrea Di Luzio (University of Bologna), Cathrin Helen Bengesser and Anne Marit Waade (Aarhus University), Roberta Pireddu and Fred Truyen (KU Leuven): DETECt: The Contribution of Digital Humanities to Cultural Studies Research.
- Ilaria Bartolini and Andrea Di Luzio, University of Bologna: The DETECt Digital Infrastructure, Front and Back.
- Roberta Pireddu and Fred Truyen, KU Leuven:Reaching Audiences with the DETECt MOOC.
- Cathrin Helen Bengesser and Anne Marit Waade, Aarhus University: Smart Crime Tourism as Multilayered Cultural Encounters: Exploring Aarhus via Locative Media and Crime Narratives.
- Roundtable: The Challenges of Digital Humanities to Cultural Studies Research, a Face-to-Face. Debate: Loïc Artiaga (University of Limoges), Ilaria Bartolini (University of Bologna), Jacques Migozzi (University of Limoges), Frederik Truyen (KU Leuven), and Anne Marit Waade (Aarhus University).
- Chair: Ilaria Bartolini, University of Bologna.
PLENARY SESSION – Crime, Creative Industries and Contemporary European Media Policies
- Luca Antoniazzi, University of Bologna: The New Audiovisual Media Service Directive. Potential and Weaknesses.
- Luca Barra, University of Bologna: Make It Circulate! Localization, Dubbing and the Support to European Non National Crime Drama.
- Cathrin Helen Bengesser, Aarhus University, and Kim Toft Hansen, Aalborg University: Evaluating Creative Europe’s TV Programming Scheme: Geographical Imbalances in Fiction Funding Decisions.
- Kim Toft Hansen, Aalborg University, and Cathrin Helen Bengesser, Aarhus University: Tv Crime Drama as Transcultural Communication: Creative Europe’s Predilection for North-European Crime Dramas.
- Respondent: Laura Landorff, Aalborg University
- Chair: Federico Pagello, D’Annunzio University of Chieti-Pescara.
PLENARY SESSION – Concluding Round Table: Research Impact in the Humanities: New Directions
- Monica Dall’Asta, University of Bologna – DETECt.
- Valentina Re, Link Campus University – DETECt.
- Chair: Luca Barra, University of Bologna.
Workshoop - Launching of the project ROM’POL: Le polar en langue romane, un patrimoine culturel émergent (31 August 2021)
Presentation of the Romanian crime fiction within the conference that launched the project POM’POL – meant to bring together scholars from the universities assemble in the UNITA network (Pau, Chambéry, Turin, Timisoara, Saragosse, Beira) and from other European universities (Limoges, Salamanque, Aix-Marseille, Bucharest). Collaboration in this project offers opportunities for sustaining research initiated within DETECt and further disseminating the results of DETECt.
Quai du Polar festival (2-4 July 2021, Lyon)
- Round table within the framework of Polar Connexion, professional section of the Quai du Polar festival. The round table brings together Adrien Frenay, Alice Jacquelin, curators of the exhibition “L’Europe du Polar”, Natacha Levet, academic, Nadege Agullo, publisher, Jurica Pavivic, Croatian author, Peter Kackmar, Slovak author.
- Discovery of the exhibition “L’Europe du Polar” with its curators, Catherine Chauchard, Adrien Frenay, Alice Jacquelin, Matthieu Letourneux.
6th Argumentor Conference: "Mind the Gap!" (11–12 September 2020, Partium Christian University / Romania Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania, Romania University of Debrecen)
Anna KESZEG Keynote Speech: “Mind the East-West Divide. Producing Quality Television in Eastern Europerique“.
Workshoop for high schools - Panorama du polar contemporain (9 December 2020, University of Limoges, Limoges)
Seminar of Master of History (3 November 2020, University of Paris I, Paris)
Loïc Artiaga (Université de Limoges, EHIC) : « L’histoire culturelle et la tentation numérique ».
Workshop - UNIBO Doctoral seminar (4 February 2020, University of Bologne, Bologne)
Sara Casoli (University of Bologna): Glocalismo, cosmopolitismo e transmedialità nel giallo europeo contemporaneo: Sul progetto DETECt.
Workshop for high schools - La creatività ai tempi dell’emergenza. Le voci degli sceneggiatori (25 June 2020, Link Campus University, Rome)
The NECS2021 Conference: Transitions: Moving Images and Bodies (7-13 June 2021, Universty of Palermo, Palermo)
Panel: Across Borders. Travelling Identities and Migrating Images in European Crime Series
- Chair: Thomas Morsch » Free University of Berlin.
- Alice Jacquelin » Limoges University: EUROCOPS (1988-1993), Archeology of a European Cooperation on TV Crime Fiction.
- Lynge Stegger » Aalborg University: Language, Europe, and “Banal Diversity” in Trans-European Crime Dramas.
- Cathrin Bengesser » Aarhus University: Audiences’ Perceptions of Place, Society and (TV) Culture in Popular European Audiovisual Crime Narratives.
- Alvaro Luna » Limoges University: Screening Postmigrant European Identities: A Study of Franco-Maghrebi and Turkish German Detectives.
Panel: Across Borders (II): Travelling Images and Transcultural Identities in European Crime Cinema
- Chair: Valentina Re » Link Campus University Rome.
- Federico Pagello » University of Bologna: Mapping European Crime Cinema.
Stefano Baschiera » Queen’s University Belfast: A Patch of Fog: the Production and Distribution of Contemporary European Quality Crime Cinema. - Thomas Morsch » Freie Universität Berlin: Transitory Identities in the Films of Olivier Assayas.
- Markus Schleich » Queen’s University Belfast: ‘The European Aspect’: Sebastian Schippert’s Victoria (2015) as an Exercise in Transnational Europeanness.
Panel: Precarious Identities. Female Investigators between Gender Issues, Memories and Borders
- Chair: Markus Schleich » Queen’s University Belfast.
- Valentina Re » Link Campus University Rome: Female Investigators across Borders. Women and Contemporary TV Crime Drama.
- Sara Casoli » University of Bologna: From Matera with Love. The Medial, Narrative and Cultural Border-Crossing aptitude of Imma Tataranni – Sostituto Procuratore.
- Massimiliano Coviello » Link Campus University Rome: Unstable Memories and Precarious Identities in Black Earth Rising.
Conference - Cohesion or Co-Hesitation? European governance in the imaginary of Crime/Noir narratives, 6 May 2021, Interdisciplinary School of Doctoral Studies (University of Bucharest, Bucharest)
Nuit européenne des chercheurs - Petits Secrets, grands crimes (27-28 November 2020, University of Limoges, Limoges)
Conference - The cultures of insult in today's Hungarian society (23-24 April 2021, Department of Communication and Media Studies of the University of Pécs and the Doctoral Program in Language and Communication, Pécs)
Paper presentation: “Cultures of Resentment in Romanian and Hungarian Crime TV Series”.
International Conference on Education and New Developments (26-28 June 2021, Valencia, Spain)
Jan Baetens, Frederik Truyen, Roberta Pireddu: “Upgrading MOOC Students’ Engagement And Participation In Humanities-Oriented Online Courses: The Example Of The MOOC Based On The Project DETECt”.
7th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (22-23 June 2021, Valencia, Spain)
Jan Baetens, Frederik Truyen, Roberta Pireddu, KU Leuven: “Fostering Research and e-Learning-Communities’ Integration: a MOOC on the project DETECt.”
Summer School - Literature & the Digital Humanities (30 May – 2 June 2021, Netherlands Research School for Literary Studies, Groningen)
Lecture and workshop on the topic “Creation and development of humanities oriented MOOCs” using as a case study the MOOC on Euro Noir created for the DETECt project (Discover the programme).
Conference - Worlds of Imagination: Media, Place and Tourism in Today’s Global World (7-9 April 2021, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Rotterdam)
Cathrin Bengesser & Anne Marit Waade: “Screen tourism on the smartphone: A typology and critical evaluation of the first decade of smart screen tourism”.
Round table: The Function of Mystery & Thriller Literature in Contemporary Romanian Culture / Gaudeamus International Book Fair (27th Edition, 16-22 November 2020)
The round table/ debate was part of the Gaudeamus International Book Fair (27th Edition, 16-22 November 2020), held online exclusively. on November 21st, Crime Scene Press organized the discussion mentioned in this activity. The discussion was streamed live on Facebook. The participants were: crime fiction scholar and writer Caius Dobrescu, professors and critics Carmen Mușat and Paul Cernat, writers George Arion and Igor Bergler, writer and editor Bogdan Hrib, blogger Liviu Szoke. Moderator: Roxana Eichel. The discussion started from the presentation of the DETECt project and involved the opinions of specialists from different fields (authors, critics, editors, bloggers, researchers) on the role and place of contemporary crime fiction in Romania.
Workshop - DETECt Digital Humanities (14-15 November 2020, University of Bologna, Bologna)
Presentations of tools and projects:
- “Textual Mining, Press and Crime Fiction: Research Opportunities”.
- Text/visual-mining: projects, tools, and techniques”.
- “Exploring Tableau e Leaflet tools”.
- “Visualizing the Translation of Crime Fiction in Europe'”
- Participants:Pierre-Carl Langlais (University of Montpellier), Ilaria Bartolini, Andrea Di Luzio (UNIBO), Loïc Artiaga (UNILIM), Fred Truyen, Ana Schultze (KU Leuven), Dominique Jeannerod (QUB).
Presentations of tools:
- Harvesting Wikipedia and Wikimedia.
- Open Refine.
- Network Analysis with Gephi.
- Participants: Pierre-Carl Langlais (University of Montpellier), Hans Coppens (KU Leuven), Loïc Artiaga (UNILIM), Fred Truyen (KU Leuven).
6th Argumentor Conference organized by Partium Christian University / Romania Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania / Romania University of Debrecen / Hungary (11-12 September 2020)
Anna Keszeg Note Lecture “Mind the Gap! The title of her presentation: Mind the East-West Divide. Producing Quality Television in Eastern Europe”.
Master Seminar - History and crime fiction: tracing European identity (winter semester 2019-2020, University of Ioannina, Ioannina)
Lecturers: Lampros Flitouris (Assistant Professor of History / Archeology), Christos Dermentzopoulos (Professor of School of Fine Arts).
International Conference - The Youthification of Television and Screen Culture. Biennial Conference of the Television Studies Section of ECREA (European Communication Research and Education Association) (24-25 October 2019, University of Groningen, Groningee)
Cathrin Helen Bengesser (Aarhus University): “TV to Go: Negotiating Site Specificity in a Mobile Web App on Nordic Crime Drama”
International Conference - "Medien Materialitäten". German society for Media Studies (Gesellschaft für Medienwissenschaft, GFM) (25-28 September 2019, University of Cologne, Cologne)
Thomas Morsch (Freie Universität Berlin): “Die wilden Materialitäten des ‚Großen Außen‘: Spekulative Filmästhetik nach Meillassoux, Bennett & Harman” as part of a panel on “Materiality, Embodiment and Film Experience”.
Annual Convention of the Association of General and Comparative Literature in Romania, organised at the Lucian Blaga University, Sibiu, Romania (11-13 July 2019)
Presentation of the DETECt project, within Caius Dobrescu’s intervention on “Federalism as Rhizome: The Lesson of German TV Crime Series”.
International Conference - "The German Model in Romanian Culture". 2019 Conference of the Association for General and Comparative Literature in Romania (10-13 July 2019, University of Sibiu, Lucian Blaga)
Presentation of DETECt Agenda
International Conference - Global F(r)ictions 2 (14-15 June 2019, University of Bologna, Italy)
Federico Pagello (University of Bologna): “Dal giallo al crime: Il noir italiano nel contesto mediterraneo ed europee”.
International Conference - The 8th biennial conference of the International Crime Fiction Research group (14-15 June 2019, Maynooth University, Ireland)
Federico Pagello & Markus Schleich: “On the Transnational Online Reception of European Crime Shows: Watching La casa de papel in Italy, Germany and the UK“.
“European Lab” (30 May - 2 June 2019, Lyon)
Conference: “L’Europe, le continent noir. Ce que le polar dit de l’Europe”.
L’imaginaire européen s’est bâti à partir de grands récits collectifs, visions originales de l’unité dans la diversité, premiers fondements d’une conscience commune. Le récit criminel et ses variations multiples (noir, détection, polar, etc.) a une histoire longue avec l’Europe. Né au XIXe siècle, il apparaît aujourd’hui comme une forme narrative dominante, disséminée sur l’ensemble du Continent. Les œuvres de Ken Bruen, de Petros Markaris, de Fred Vargas, les succès de Millenium ou de Broadchurch disent, parmi d’autres, le besoin d’ausculter les sociétés européennes et leurs traumas. Leurs traductions et adaptations témoignent de la curiosité pour l’Autre européen. Sont-ils devenus nos nouveaux grands récits continentaux ? Avec : Dominique Jeannerod — Université de Belfast Natacha Levet — Université de Limoges Loïc Artiaga — Université de Limoges François Pirola — Ipsos Global Affairs.
Summer School - “Mediating Italy in a Global Culture” (17-22 June 2019; University of Bologna, Italy)
- Monica Dall’Asta, Federico Pagello (Università di Bologna), DETECt Project: Crime Narratives and Transcultural Identities. Italian “Crime” and the Identity of Mediterranean Noir.
- Valentina Re, Massimiliano Coviello, Elisa Mandelli (Link Campus University di Roma), From Research Objectives to the Selection of Case Studies. The TV Series L’allieva as a Challenging Example.
International Conference - Captivating Criminality 6: Metamorphoses of Crime: Facts and Fictions (12-15 June 2019, G. d’Annunzio University of Chieti-Pescara, Italy)
Panel 1a: DETECting L’allieva: Popular Crime Narratives and the Formation of a Transcultural European Identity
- Chair: Matteo Brera
- DETECting L’allieva: Notes on Production and Distribution – Valentina Re (Università degli Studi Link Campus University, Italy).
- L’allieva: The Use of Social Media between Promotion and Consumption – Massimiliano Coviello (Università degli Studi Link Campus University, Italy).
- The News Media Coverage of L’Allieva – Elisa Mandelli (Università degli Studi Link Campus University, Italy).
- From News to Views: Journalistic Insights about L’Allieva – Marica Spalletta (Università degli Studi Link Campus University, Italy).
International Conference - Köztes terek / Spaţii intermediare / Spaces In Between (Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania, 25-27 April 2019)
- Caius Dobrescu plenary lecture “Bron/Broen (The Bridge) or The Regenerative Force of the Center – the Meaning of the Global Expansion of a Swedish-Danish Crime Series”. Panel: “Transmediality, Crime Fiction”.
- Péter Mészáros, Dorottya Molnár-Kovács (Debrecen, HU): “Location Strategies in the Television Series Aranyélet/Golden Life”.
International - Conference Humanities and the Arts: Creative Industries and Cultural Democracy (Byzantine Museum, Athens, 4-5 April 2019)
Panel: “Humanities and The arts: Project Presentations”.
Panel Discussion - "Women in Crime: Professional women and female identities in European crime narratives" (LCU, 31 January 2019)
Scholars and professionals from the creative industries attending the round table will discuss both the question of female employment in the entertainment sector and the representation of female characters in popular culture, and especially in crime narratives.
Greetings and introduction
- Vanna Fadini, President Global Education Management – Link Campus University
- Carlo Maria Medaglia, Head of Research Department
- Valentina Re, Head of Studies in Media and Performing Arts
- Backstage: professional women
- Margherita Chiti, Vice President Women in Film, Television & Media Italia
- Micaela Romanini, Founder Women in Games Italia
On stage: characters and identities
- Barbara Petronio, screenwriter
- Emanuela Cocco, writer
- Angela Paoletti, Founder Local Transit
- Antonio Vena, writer
- Chair Roy Menarini, Università di Bologna
Workshop - "DETECting Europe in TV Crime Series – Geopolitics, locations, audiences" (11 December 2018, Aalborg University)
The aim of the workshop is to expand and solidify DETECt’s international network.
Conference - Watching the Transnational Detectives: Showcasing Identity and Internationalism on British Television (Institute of Modern Languages Research, 8-9 november 2018)
Panel: “Euronoir: Subtitled Crime Dramas and European Transcultural Identity”
- Chair: Rachel Haworth.
- Monica Dall’Asta (Department of the Arts, University of Bologna, Italy): ‘Euronoir as a Transcultural Genre’.
- Federico Pagello (Department of the Arts, University of Bologna, Italy): ‘Transnational Online Distribution and the Case of Nordic Noir TV’.
- Luca Barra (University of Bologna, Italy): ‘The Many British Lives of Italian Contemporary TV Drama’.
- Caius Dobrescu (University of Bucharest, Romania): ‘British Crime Dramas and the Emergence of European Noir’.
Public Conference - Sherlock Holmes, un enfant de la culture médiatique (Bibliothèque francophone multimédia de Limoges, 7 June 2018)
Public conference about mediatic evolution of Sherlock Holmes, especially on TV and cinema.
1th Central and Eastern European Communication and Media Conference (Szeged, Hungary, 30 May - 1 June 2018)
Panel: “Spatial Experience and Mediated Places in Central and Eastern European Television Fiction”
- Chair: Gyula Maksa.
- Anna Keszeg: Silent Valleys and Noisy Cities, Cultural Geography of Romania through Romanian HBO Series.
- Péter Mészáros: Space as sign in HBO series trailers.
- Sándor Kálai: Crime Spaces – The Representation of Crime in Eastern European HBO Series.
Download the Programme and the Book of abstracts
Workshop - "Quand le noir se met au vert : polar, ruralité et écologie" (Université de Poitiers, 2 May 2018)
- NATACHA LEVET (Limoges): “Le polar français et les marges rurales: modalités, enjeux et évolutions”.
#DETECt2021 – Day Three
Watch the video of the Plenary Sessions and Contest Award Cermony. A reportage of #DETECt2021 Conference. Written by Nicola Pimpinella and Lavinia Sansone, Students of the Dams Degree Course (Link Campus University). The final day of the DETECt Conference at Link...
#DETECt2021 – Day Two
Watch the video of the Plenary Session. A reportage of #DETECt2021 Conference. Written by Nicola Pimpinella and Lavinia Sansone, Students of the Dams Degree Course (Link Campus University). The second day of the DETECt Conference at Link Campus University started with...
#DETECt2021 – Day One
Watch the video of the Plenary Session. A reportage of #DETECt2021 Conference. Written by Nicola Pimpinella and Lavinia Sansone, Students of the Dams Degree Course (Link Campus University). The first day of the DETECt Conference at Link Campus University "Detecting...
Detecting Europe in Contemporary Crime Narratives: Print Fiction, Film, and Television
DETECt final international conference will take place online from 21 to 23 June 2021. The conference "Detecting Europe in Contemporary Crime Narratives: Print Fiction, Film, and Television" on 21-23 June 2021 wraps up DETECt, a European research project investigating...
Call for Papers: Detecting Europe in contemporary crime narratives
DETECt final international conference will take place at Link Campus University in Italy from 21 to 23 June 2021. Download the Call for Papers. DETECt final international conference will take place at Link Campus University (Via del Casale di San Pio V 44 – Rome) in...
Euronoir: Day 3
Search #Euronoir2019 to follow the conference on Twitter. The third day of the Euronoir conference began with a keynote panel about Nordic Noir in its European Context. Professor Sue Turnbull form the University of Wollongong, Dr. Anna Estera Mrozewicz from the...
Euronoir: Day 2
Search #Euronoir2019 to follow the conference on Twitter. Fieldtrip to Aarhus: “a perfectly good city for killing people” – in film, TV and novels The second day of the Euronoir conference started out with a field trip from Aalborg to Aarhus to test the trial version...
Euronoir: Day 1
Search #Euronoir2019 to follow the conference on Twitter. The first day of the DETECt Euronoir conference at Aalborg University started out with a short welcome address by Associate Professor Kim Toft Hansen, who greeted the 50 guests who came to Aalborg for the...
Euronoir: final programme now online
The final programme and Book of abstracts are online now. More details about the conference on the conference website DETECt’s first international conference will take place at Aalborg University in Denmark from 30 September to 2 October 2019. We are happy to announce...
Euronoir: Preliminary programme announced
The preliminary programme is now online! More details about the conference on the conference website DETECt’s first international conference will take place at Aalborg University in Denmark from 30 September to 2 October 2019. We are happy to announce a packed...
DETECting European Detective Narratives at the Summer School “Mediating Italy in a Global Culture”
Kasia Bogdańska, special to ProPublica On Saturday, June 22, 2019 a special DETECt seminar will be hosted by the Summer School “Mediating Italy in a Global Culture”, organised by the he Department of the Arts, University of Bologna, in collaboration with Brown...
DETECting “L’allieva” at the 6th Annual Conference of the International Crime Fiction Association
International Conference "Captivating Criminality 6. Metamorphoses of Crime: Facts and Fictions", 12-15 June 2019, G. d’Annunzio University of Chieti-Pescara, Italy. The sixth Conference of the International Crime Fiction Association will be held at G. d’Annunzio...