
Academic outputs
Academic outputs
Monographs and Edited Books
Monica dall'Asta, Jaques Migozzi, Federico Pagello, Andrew Pepper (eds.), "Contemporary European Crime Fiction: Representing History and Politics" (Palgrave Macmillan, 2023).
This book represents the first extended consideration of contemporary crime fiction as a European phenomenon. Understanding crime fiction in its broadest sense, as a transmedia practice, and offering unique insights into this practice in specific European countries and as a genuinely transcontinental endeavour, this book argues that the distinctiveness of the form can be found in its related historical and political inquiries. It asks how the genre’s excavation of Europe’s history of violence and protest in the twentieth century is informed by contemporary political questions. It also considers how the genre’s progressive reimagining of new identities forged at the crossroads of ethnicity, gender, and sexuality is offset by its bleaker assessment of the corrosive effects of entrenched social inequalities, political corruption, and state violence. The result is a rich, vibrant collection that shows how crime fiction can help us better understand the complex relationship between Europe’s past, present, and future.
Christos Dermentzopoulos, Lampros Flitouris, Nikos Filippaios (eds.), "European Crime Narratives" (Metaichmio Editions, forthcoming).
A Collective Volume in Greek language. European Crime Narratives will bring the Greek readership in touch with the central thematics and problematics of DETECt Project.