The Advisory Board enhances the consortium’s expertise in the fields of cultural studies, production studies, reception studies, and the digital humanities. It provides independent external supervision on the project

Andrea Esser
Andrea Esser is a Professor in Media and Globalization at the University of Roehampton (London) and Director of the AHRC-funded Media Across Borders. Before joining the University of Roehampton, she worked in media consulting and publishing in Germany and the UK and lectured at Goldsmiths, University of London. Between 2014 and 2018 she has been part of the Advisory Board of the DKK-funded project “What Makes Danish TV Drama Series Travel?”, led by Aarhus University. Her research interests include cultural globalization, the transnationalisation and commercialisation of the media, and the political economy of television production and distribution.
Email: a.esser@roehampton.ac.uk

Annette Hill
Annette Hill is a Professor of Media and Communication at Lund University, Sweden, and Visiting Professor at Kings College, London, UK. Her research focuses on audiences and popular culture, with interests in media engagement, everyday life, genres, production studies and cultures of viewing. She is the author of eight books, and many articles and book chapters in journals and edited collections, which address varieties of engagement with reality television, news and documentary, television drama, entertainment formats, live events and sports entertainment, film violence and media ethics. Her latest book is Media Experiences (Routledge 2018).
Email: annette.hill@kom.lu.se

Marc Lits
Marc Lits is Professor Emeritus of Media and Communication Studies at the Catholic University of Louvain (Belgium), where he served as Vice-Rector for Teaching and Learning, and Director of the research center Observatoire du récit médiatique (ORM). His research focuses on narratology, popular culture, and the relationship between media and society. He has written, edited or co-edited more than twenty books, including three monographs on crime narratives: Pour lire le roman policier (1994), Le roman policier: introduction à la théorie et à l’histoire d’un genre littéraire (1999) and Le roman policier dans tous ses états. D’Arsène Lupin à Navarro (2011).
Email: marc.lits@uclouvain.be

Silvana Colella
Silvana Colella is Professor of English at the University of Macerata, in central Italy, and Senior Research Fellow at Coventry University. Her primary scholarly work focuses on nineteenth century British literature and culture. She has published books and articles on women writers, gender and feminist theories, and the interconnections between literature and economic thought. More recently her research interests have expanded to include cultural heritage as an area of critical inquiry. In 2016, she was appointed President of the European Consortium of Humanities Institutes and Centres (ECHIC).
Email: silvana.colella@unimc.it