Creative Industries
Media production and location marketing strategies for a transcultural European space
Creative Industries
Media production and location marketing strategies for a transcultural European space
This work package aims to better understand the potential of transnational production and location practices for the generation of European transcultural identity, and to assess the impact of mobility factors in the creation of engaging representation of European identity.
WP4 has the following goals:
To assess the impact of regional and supra-regional funding schemes for the development of the creative/media industries and the support to translation and co-production agreements on the creation and circulation of transnational narrative formats;
To assess the impact of co-productions deals on the transnational circulation of local contents;
To provide a critical analysis of how the treatment of local contents in contemporary European popular narratives has been affected by the transnational/transcultural development of the European media industry;
To experiment “emergent learning” techniques to transfer knowledge about the significance of transnational production practices and location strategies for creating engaging European popular narratives.
To assess the impact of regional and supra-regional funding schemes for the development of the creative/media industries and the support to translation and co-production agreements on the creation and circulation of transnational narrative formats;
TASK 4.1
Understanding transnational European production and location strategies.
TASK 4.2
Understanding publishing and translation strategies in the European cultural space.
TASK 4.3
Detecting European transnational identity through the circulation of its cultural products.
TASK 4.4
Engaging learners in the investigation of European creative industries.
TASK 4.5
Studying cultural mobility through narrative media production in the European cultural space.
Lead beneficiary:
Aalborg University
Months 6-36