Welcome to our brand new site
Welcome to our brand new site

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The official website of the DETECt project is finally online. It will function as DETECt institutional interface, hosting a detailed project presentation and public deliverables. It will be the main reference point for all people interested in the project, providing regular and real time updates about research and educational activities, initiatives for public engagement, and academic dissemination through publications and conference.
DETECt – Detecting Transcultural Identity in European Popular Crime Narratives investigates the topics of identity and popular culture. It aims to show how, from 1989 to the present, the transnational circulation of crime narratives from various European countries has contributed to the formation of a plural, shared European identity.
The project involves 13 universities and 5 players from the creative sector in 10 countries. Its research activities have been planned to address the interests of numerous stakeholders, including professionals, scholars, teachers, students and policymakers. DETECt aims to promote transcultural exchange and to support research on the topic of European identity through public events, digital resources, and innovative learning tools.
The project receives funding from the European Union’s Horizon H2020 research and innovation programme.
DETECt website will provide regular and real time updates about research and educational activities, initiatives for public engagement, and academic dissemination through publications and conference.